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Lao Brewery Co., Ltd has always focused on developing new products and improving the quality of its existing products to meet international standards. Proof of this is demonstrated by the granting of several certifications to ISO standards by global certification bodies:

  • FSSC 22000 - Food safety system certificate

- Pepsi Plant: The processing of carbonated soft drinks in can, PET bottle and returnable glass bottle (RGB), carbonated energy drinks in PET bottle, carbonated flavor drinks with vitamins and electrolytes in PET bottle, flavored syrup/concentrate (post mix) in stainless container (propose for beverage dispenser).

- Champasack Plant: The processing of soda water in glass bottle, carbonated soft drink in glass/ PET bottle, drinking water in PET bottle. 

  • ISO 22000:2005 - Food safety system

- Vientiane Plant: The manufacturing of drinking water in PET bottle

- Pepsi Plant: The processing of carbonated soft drinks in can, PET bottle and returnable glass bottle (RGB), carbonated energy drinks in PET bottle, carbonated flavor drinks with vitamins and electrolytes in PET bottle, flavored syrup/concentrate (post mix) in stainless container (propose for beverage dispenser).
And The processing of treated water supply for manufacture

- Champasack Plant: The processing of Beer in glass bottle, Soda water in glass bottle, Carbonated Soft drink in glass bottle/PET bottle, Drinking water in PET bottle. 

  • GMP & HACCP - Good manufactory practice & Hazard analysis critical control point

- Vientiane Plant: The manufacturing of drinking water in PET bottle

- Pepsi Plant: The processing of carbonated soft drinks in can, PET bottle and returnable glass bottle (RGB), carbonated energy drinks in PET bottle, carbonated flavor drinks with vitamins and electrolytes in PET bottle, flavored syrup/concentrate (post mix) in stainless container (propose for beverage dispenser).
And The processing of treated water supply for manufacture

- Champasack Plant: The processing of Beer in glass bottle, Soda water in glass bottle, Carbonated Soft drink in glass bottle/PET bottle, Drinking water in PET bottle. 

  •   ISO 9001:2015 - (Quality Management system )

- Vientiane Plant: The manufacturing of drinking water in PET bottle, beer in glass bottle and can.

- Pepsi Plant: Design & Development manufacturing of carbonated soft drinks, Soda water, Carbonated energy drinks, Carbonated flavored drink with vitamins & electrolytes, Flavored syrup/concentrate ( Pre-Mix and Post Mix ) propose for beverage dispenser.

- Champasack Plant: The processing of Beer and Soda in glass bottle, Carbonated Soft drink in glass /PET bottle, Drinking water in PET bottle. 

  • OHSAS 18001:2007 - Occupational health and safety management system

- Vientiane Plant: The manufacturing of Beer and Drinking water

- Pepsi Plant: The manufacturing of Carbonated Soft Drink and energy Drink

- Champasack Plant: The Manufacturing of Beer, Carbonated Soft Drink and Soda water and drinking water. 

  • ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management system

Vientiane Plant: The manufacturing of Beer and Drinking water
- Pepsi Plant: The manufacturing of Carbonated Soft Drink and energy Drink
- Champasack Plant: The Manufacturing of Beer, Carbonated Soft Drink and Soda water and drinking water